Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ronnie Hospitalized

Ronnie was hospitalized over the weekend with pneumonia. He was suppose to be released. Mom told me they put Aunt Ean in the hospital but had no details.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Boss on Main Street ???

Robert "Bob" Wilson wrote something interesting about Grandad so I thought I would put it up here for everyone to read. The comment was made after he saw a picture of Grandad, Ean, Melba and Winna at the family reunion. "Joe. Jr. does not look like the type of a guy that would put his Model A. Ford truck in "Grandma Gear" and drive down Main Street in Childress on a Saturday night, at a top speed of about 1/4 MPH while playing with the "SPARK LEVER" making the truck backfire numerous times. Someone said this reaction was to show the policeman (probably PAPA BURKES) who had stopped him for speeding, just who was the BOSS and who was in the "drivers seat" on Main Street that Saturday night. This picture shows him being much to tame for such an action."

Monday, December 29, 2008

Reunion 2008

Saturday the Wilson Family Reunion was held in Childress. I think I heard about 45 adults showed up. The next one will be held in 2010 and the Joe Wilson, Jr. family will be hosting it. Here are a few pics:

Melba, Ean and Joe, Jr.

The Joe Wilson, Jr. Family

Leon Wilson Family

Melba Helm Family

Here are just a few random pics:

I know Randy was the first one to blog about the reunion and I will give him credit for that....he FINALLY updated his blog !!! ha ha

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Daddy has done really well after his heart attach. He had two more stints put in on December 11, 2008 and came thru the surgery without any hitches. The hospital was very busy and he finally got moved to a room Thursday night around 8:30 p.m. I left Wichita Falls around 6:30 p.m. because I had to work Friday. The first time he was there and all of us were there with him, he had a small hospital room. This time he said the room was very big. That figures, he was there by himself.

Todd called Monday night and told me he had a new grandbaby. Alissa (Diana's Daughter) gave birth to a baby boy. The baby was born around 5:30 p.m. on Monday and he weighted 8 lbs and ? I don't remember all the details and my notes are at the house. But Mommy and baby are doing well. Alissa is a small girl and the baby was pretty big but they didn't have to do a C-section. I haven't visited with Diana yet but I do know there is one proud grandpa (Todd). Todd said that daddy and Ronnie were going to go to see the baby on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Everyone else seems to be doing OK.

As far as we know all of Daddy's family will be at Childress on the 27th. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Out of Surgery

Mom just called back and one artery was 100% blocked and they put a stint in. This one is the one that caused heart attack. The other artery is 90+% blocked and will wait about 3 weeks before they put a stint in it. The Dr. says his arteries are no good because of his diabetes so they want to wait. On a brighter note...No heart damage !!!! Heart looks good !!!!

He is now back in his room.

Just a side note: Ronnie had another seizure this morning and is pacing the floor to go to the hospital. Susan stayed home to be with Ronnie. Fred, Todd, and Mom are trying to keep Ronnie at home today so that he can rest and Fred has promised Ronnie he will take him to the hospital tomorrow if he will just stay at home today.

Grandad Airlifted to Wichita

Grandad was taken to the ER in Vernon last night and after an EKG, blood work, four nitro pills and morphine he was airlifted to Wichita Falls. He spent the night in pain. They currently have him on a Nitro drip and are working him in for an angiogram. He is still in pain and they feel like something else is going on. Just got a call from mom: Grandad's dr., Dr. Samuelson, said he definately had a heart attack. They do not know the extent or the damage yet and gave him two options: 1) Get over this one and go home or 2) Perform a Cardiac Cath (angiogram) to see how much damage has been done and go from there. Grandad told the Dr. that he was in the Dr.'s hands and to do what he thought was necessary. Dr. Samuelson said going home would NOT be a good choice. Mom informed me that they had already signed the paper work to do the Cath so Dr. Samuelson had ordered it before talking to Grandad. Dr. Samuleson does not perfom Cardiac Cath's so he has recommended Dr. Desiree (sp). Dr. Desiree is the Dr. that performed Albert's surgery and is an excellent surgeon. Mom said Grandad was still NOT comfortable and they had increased the Nitro drip 3 times with no relief so they have ordered more morphine. The Cath will be performed sometime today. They are waiting on Dr. Desiree now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Veterans Day is a day to reflect and remember those men, women, children, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and friends who serve the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !! They serve and sacrifice so that we, the people, have the freedoms that we have. Here is a paratroopers prayer I found:


A poem by Peter S. Griffin

Death found us, on the battlefields of freedom,
Duty, Honor, Country, the noblest of reasons....
Fallen Screaming Eagles, we paid the toll,
Our sacrifices, etched, forever, on our souls....

Engaging battle, from the sky,
Looking death, straight in the eye....
We feared no enemy, on this earth,
On righteousness, Fallen Screaming Eagles perch....

Now we lay silent, in fields of green,
Our children, in FREEDOM, frolic in our dreams....
Eternal peace, granted, by a loving God,
Our highest decoration, the FORGET-ME-NOT, to cover our sod....

Hug a Veteran. Take the time to THANK him/her for everything that they have done so that you and I can have the life that we live. The FREEDOMS we have would not be possible without the life of a Veteran.