Thursday, November 20, 2008

Out of Surgery

Mom just called back and one artery was 100% blocked and they put a stint in. This one is the one that caused heart attack. The other artery is 90+% blocked and will wait about 3 weeks before they put a stint in it. The Dr. says his arteries are no good because of his diabetes so they want to wait. On a brighter note...No heart damage !!!! Heart looks good !!!!

He is now back in his room.

Just a side note: Ronnie had another seizure this morning and is pacing the floor to go to the hospital. Susan stayed home to be with Ronnie. Fred, Todd, and Mom are trying to keep Ronnie at home today so that he can rest and Fred has promised Ronnie he will take him to the hospital tomorrow if he will just stay at home today.

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